Stanly commissioners vote on board appointments

Membership decisions were made for two county boards

The Stanly County Board of Commissioners voted on three county board appointments on March 17 (photo courtesy of StanlyTV)

ALBEMARLE — At the Stanly County Board of Commissioners meeting on Monday night, commissioners were tasked with appointments for the Consolidated Health and Human Services Board and Airport Authority Board.

Dolly Clayton, the county’s health and human services director, presented the potential reappointment of Wendell Drye for the four-year term of the engineer position on the Consolidated Health and Human Services Board.

With his current term set to expire on April 1, Drye submitted an updated application to serve another four years and was the only applicant for the board’s specific engineer designation.

Drye also attended the consolidated board’s recent meeting on March 6, where he expressed a continued interest in serving as a board member.

“We technically have another vacant position for a psychiatrist, but we don’t have any current applicants for that position,” Clayton said. “That position has been vacant the whole time that the consolidated board has been around.”

“We’ll make notice that we have a position open then,” Chairman Mike Barbee responded.

Following a motion by Commissioner Bill Lawhon, the board of commissioners unanimously voted in favor of Drye’s reappointment.

Next up, Stanly County Airport Director Randy Shank notified the commissioners that the Airport Authority Board was due for two appointments for four-year terms, given that the current terms of James Faust and Jacqueline Plumley are set to expire at the end of March.

Faust is currently serving in place of David Rudisill, who resigned on Sept. 9, 2023, making him eligible for his first term of full service if reappointed. Meanwhile, Plumley is currently completing her first full term and would be eligible for her second and final term if reappointed.

“Each appointment would be for a full four-year term expiring on March 31, 2029,” Shank said.

Lawhon made the initial motion to reappoint Faust and Plumlee to new terms on the Airport Authority Board. Commissioner Patty Crump then motioned to reappoint Plumley and to appoint Christina Brown, while Barbee motioned to appoint Gerald Efird.

Because they were sorted as individual nominations, Stanly County Manager Andy Lucas clarified that the commissioners would need to handle the votes one at a time and that they each had two votes in the process.

Of the four nominations, the vote tallies came up to four for Faust, six for Plumley, three for Brown, and one for Efird.

Faust received votes from Commissioners Lawhon, Trent Hatley, Billy Mills and Scott Efird; Plumley had votes from Vice Chairman Brandon King and Lawhon, Hatley, Mills, Efird and Crump.

Brown received votes from Barbee, King and Crump, while Barbee was the lone vote for Efird.

“It looks like our members will be Mr. Faust and Mrs. Plumley as our two new reappointees,” Barbee said.

Faust and Plumley will be reinstalled as board members at the Airport Authority Board meeting on April 1.

The Stanly County Board of Commissioners is set to hold its next regular meeting on April 7 at 6 p.m. inside the Gene McIntyre Meeting Room at Stanly County Commons.