Athlete of the Week Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Athlete *Please list the name that student prefers, not necessarily the student's full nameSchoolAlbemarle High School BulldogsNorth Stanly CometsSouth Stanly Rowdy Rebel BullsWest Stanly ColtsSport *Please list varsity or junior varsityClass Year *FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorPosition *Years playing sport at the schoolOptionalPlease describe the reason for student being selected at Athlete of the Week *Please include any details of the game or match which is the basis for the student's selection (e.g., Smith lead the Colts to a 21-7 victory over Tarboro. He scored 2 touchdowns and rused for 125 yards)Coach/AD/Principal Quote *Include a quote about what the student means to his or her team, school of community. Provide context for why the student was selected. Up next for studentWhat is up for the team next. (e.g., Up next for the Bulldogs baseball team is a trip to county rival North Stanly on Thursday, April 16.)Photo Upload * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please include a high resolution image of the student. MessageSubmit