ALBEMARLE — At their regular meeting on Monday, the Stanly County Commissioners presented Congressman Richard Hudson with a resolution supporting his federal Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, voted to move the time of regular meetings, and voted to give a five-year grant to a new business.
Hudson presented the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act in January 2017. Just like a driver’s license, this act would allow concealed carry permit holders to carry their concealed weapon in any state in the United States.

At the Jan. 16 meeting, Stanly County Commissioners voted 7-0 to pass a resolution in support for the act. Chairman Joseph Burleson introduced the resolution of support. Commissioner Ashely Morgan was also very supportive of the resolution.
“There are too many different laws throughout the country that can make it a nightmare for citizens who are traveling and trying to abide by the law,” said Morgan. “This will help fix that, and I would like to thank Congressman Hudson for his hard work on the bill.”
Hudson acknowledged the importance of good leadership in Stanly County.
“It’s particularly important to have good leadership during these times, and Stanly County is blessed with good leaders,” Hudson said in accepting the award.
Hudson was also thankful to the commissioners for their support of the act.
“This is a commonsense law. and I appreciate your support,” said Hudson. “Thank you for the resolution — I appreciate and accept it.”
Vice Chairman Gene McIntyre introduced the idea of moving the County Commissioners regular meetings from 7 p.m. to 6 p.m.
“Changing the meetings from 7 to 6 will make it easier on the staff,” he said. “They will not have to rush home at 5 and deal with kids and spouses and eat and then hurry back here. Moving the meeting will also guarantee that they get home at a reasonable time, too.”
The board voted 7-0 to move the meetings up an hour, effective immediately. The board will begin having closed session before meetings at 5:30 p.m. and finish up after the regular meeting. If the board does not have a closed session, they will still meet at 5:30 p.m. for a board meeting where they can ask the county attorney and county manager questions. Press will be welcome to the board meetings at 5:30 p.m., but not closed sessions.
An unnamed construction company requested a five-year grant from the county for economic development. This construction company will bring $2.5 million in tax revenue to the county and also create 50 new full-time jobs. The grant was approved 7-0.
Mike Upchurch, of Albemarle, confronted the board during public comments with concerns about businesses receiving economic development support and not delivering on relocation and new jobs. He also expressed concern about the lack of retirement homes within the county.
Burleson said in his closing statement, “In regards to Mr. Upchurch’s concern, maybe we should reach out to retirement home companies to see what their interests might be within Stanly County.”
Commissioner Bill Lawhon also addressed this in his closing statement.
“There are, to my knowledge, two retirement homes in Stanly County, and as we do have an aging population, if we can get an investor interested in a retirement home we need to look at that kind of thing,” he said.
The next commissioners meeting will be held on Monday, March 5, at 6 p.m.