This Week: Allied forces storm the beaches at Normandy; the first Little League game played

Sen. Robert F. Kennedy before being shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968. (AP Photo)

“This Week” looks back at the key events from this week in history.

June 3

1621: The Dutch West India Co. received its charter for a trade monopoly in parts of the Americas and Africa.

1937: Edward, The Duke of Windsor who had abdicated the British throne, married Wallis Simpson in a private ceremony in Monts, France.

1965: Astronaut Edward H. White became the first American to “walk” in space during the flight of Gemini 4.

June 4

1812: U.S. House of Representatives approved a declaration of war against Britain by voting 79-49.

1912: Novarupta on the Alaska Peninsula began a three-day eruption, sending ash as high as 100,000 feet. The most powerful volcanic eruption of the 20th century.

1942: World War II Battle of Midway began, resulting in American victory against Japan and marking the war’s turning point in the Pacific.

1940: Allied military evacuate some 338,000 troops from Dunkirk, France.

1944: U-505, a German submarine, was captured by a U.S. Navy task group in the South Atlantic; it was the first such capture of an enemy vessel at sea by the U.S. Navy since the War of 1812. The U.S. Fifth Army began liberating Rome.

June 5

1968: Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was shot and mortally wounded at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

1975: Egypt reopened the Suez Canal to international shipping.

2004: Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, died in Los Angeles at age 93 after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s disease.

June 6

1844: The Young Men’s Christian Association was founded in London.

1934: The Securities and Exchange Commission was established.

1939: The first Little League baseball game was played in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

1944: Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, on “D-Day”

June 7

1776: Richard Henry Lee of Virginia offered a resolution to the Continental Congress stating that “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States.”

1848: French painter and sculptor Paul Gauguin was born in Paris.

1942: The Battle of Midway ended in a decisive victory for American naval forces over Imperial Japan, marking a turning point in the Pacific War.